cryptsetup LUKS2 Creating encrypted virtual Disk Image and mount it
%%{ init: { 'theme': 'base', 'themeVariables': { 'primaryColor': '#3ed72b', 'primaryTextColor': '#000', 'primaryBorderColor': '#000', 'lineColor': '#fff', 'secondaryColor': '#e6f01b', 'tertiaryColor': '#fff' } } }%% flowchart LR id1[/virtual Disk/] id3[/ ctryptsetup/] id2[LUKS
passphrase] id9[/format ext4/] id10[/open /] id5[/mount/] id6[/detach /] id7[/close /] id1-->id3 id3-->id2 id2-->id10 id10-->id9 id10-->id5 id5-->id6 id5-->id7
- install cryptsetup
- creating virtual disk with dd
- format and encrypt virtaul disk with cryptsetup
- setpassphrase
- opening encrypted virtual disk with cryptsetup
- format virtual disk with ext4 mkfs
- create mountpoint with mkdir
- mount LUKS opened disk to mointpoint
- detach mount
- close LUKS
install cryptsetup LUKS
sudo apt-get install cryptsetup-bin |
Creating virtual Disk file
virtual disk filename:
dd if=/dev/zero of=crypted-disk-luks.img bs=100M count=0 seek=1 |
info: with fdisk -l crypted-disk-luks.img you can check virtual disk size
Disk Encryption preparation
format and encrypt virtual disk
cryptsetup -q -y luksFormat crypted-disk-luks.img |
info: you will be asked for passphrase to encrypt/decrypt disk
open LUKS encrypted virtual disk
sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /data/crypted/crypted-disk-luks.img virtualDiskMapper |
info: virtualDiskMapper is the pointname under /dev/mapper/virtalDiskMapper
check LUKS opened virual Disk on /dev/mapper
sudo fdisk -l /dev/mapper/virtualDiskMapper |
info: you should see size of disk little less than 100MB (it is ok)
format inside opened LUKS the virtual Disk with your prefered file system
in this case: ext4
sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/virtualDiskMapper |
info: this format has no effect to encryption, so do it
Mount LUKS encrypted virtual disk
above we opened LUKS enrypted virtual already, in this point you dont need to open, because it is opened with passphrase already.
sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /data/crypted/crypted-disk-luks.img virtualDiskMapper
create mountpoint for LUKS virtual disk
sudo mkdir /mnt/LUKSDISK |
info: this mointpoint you need to create only one time
mount LUKS virtual disk to mointpoint
sudo mount /dev/mapper/virtualDiskMapper /mnt/LUKSDISK |
closing LUKS opened virtual disk
actually our enrypted disk is mounted on moinpoint.
so first detach mountpoint
detach moinpoint
sudo umount /mnt/LUKSDISK |
close LUKS virtual Disk
sudo cryptsetup luksClose virtualDiskMapper |
info: this commad will detach dev mapped virtualDiskMapper also
%%{ init: { 'theme': 'base', 'themeVariables': { 'primaryColor': '#3ed72b', 'primaryTextColor': '#fff', 'primaryBorderColor': '#cfd72b', 'lineColor': '#e6f01b', 'secondaryColor': '#e6f01b', 'tertiaryColor': '#fff' } } }%% mindmap root(Virtual Disk) cryptsetup LUKS format encrypt LUKS open decrypt mount close detach mount close luks